“You know, now I can not leave an hotel room without turning the light off… India has changed me deeply, it has given me so much more than I can give her..”. This and a lot more Dominique Lapierre – the author of the “City of Joy” – told us on the roof of a guest house on the delta of the Ganges river, during a humid moon night when nobody could get to sleep.
We worked together for two weeks, turning a video on the small and largely unpublicised projects he is supporting through the revenues of his books, the hospital boats, the health clinics, the schools where leper children rescued from the streets find a future in Calcutta and the villages of the Ganges delta. Intense, generous, Dominique is a passionate man, always the first to get up and the last one to go to bed to make sure everybody’s ok. He’s never discouraged, never tired of fighting, be it against bureaucracy, corruption or cynicism. Down deep inside, I believe he’s still a journalist who wants to see things with his own eyes.